Becoming a better therapist one glance at a time
Self-Connection Psychotherapy is perfect if you want to:
Harvest the power inherent in positive feelings and make them touchstones for your patients/clients.
Find opportunities for growth by exploring, rather than avoiding, your anxiety and fear.
Learn the value of watching your own face — it makes therapy easier.
Unlock the compassion you have for yourself and those you treat.
Help your patients/clients grow by facing loss and pain.
Discover how well-crafted roleplaying resolves old conflicts.
How we can help
Browse free resources to familiarize yourself with what we have to offer

INNOVATION - Get access to cutting edge therapy through videos, articles, courses and new resources as they are developed.
COMMUNITY - Engage with a group of therapists committed to improving their skills and their patients' lives. Learn how each of you adapts resources in a way that enhances your therapeutic approach.
EXPERTISE - Learn from the founder of Self-Connection Psychotherapy, and get his guidance on integrating this model with your own practice. Share vignettes and supervision opportunities to broaden your experience by seeing through others’ eyes.
The Man Behind the Model

Founder, Self-Connection Psychotherapy
Michael Alpert MD MPH
What Other Leaders are Saying
Kristin Osborn, M.A. LMHC
Founder of APT Certified Training
“I have used Self-Connection Psychotherapy with my clients and in training demonstrations. It is effective in helping people notice the anxiety they initially experience when facing themselves and serves as a way to introduce self-compassion and also access a variety of affects. Thank you for introducing it to me. Warmly, Kristin”
Jeffrey J. Magnavita, PHD
CEO and Founder of StratPsych
“Exciting New Development”
“Michael Alpert, M.D., MPH is a pioneer in the advancement of psychotherapy. Over the course of decades of psychotherapeutic efforts, observing and researching various forms of treatment, Michael has developed Self-Connection Therapy. He has refined and evolved this novel form of psychotherapy based on the premise that healing resources in all of us can be accessed when we are able to develop compassion for ourselves. Self-Connection Psychotherapy in the hands of the skilled therapist facilitates a deeply intimate relationship, which affords us the opportunity to witness the moment-by-moment changes in ourselves, as we become engaged in the process of self-discovery and ultimately healing of our traumatic attachments. I have had the pleasure of observing Michael’s work and have witnessed the power of this exciting new development.”